All Classes and Interfaces
The Konquest API.
A camp with a bed for a single barbarian player.
Called after a new camp is created by a barbarian player.
Called before a player breaks a camp's bed to destroy it.
Called after a player breaks a camp's bed to destroy it.
The base camp event.
A collection of adjacent camps.
A manager for barbarian camps in Konquest.
A capital is a special town which is the primary territory of a kingdom.
The types of kingdom diplomatic relationships in Konquest.
A base event from Konquest, with a reference to the API instance.
My kingdom for a horse!
A kingdom is a capital, a collection of towns, and a monument template.
Called after a kingdom swaps its capital to another town.
Called after a kingdom is conquered by another kingdom and removed.
Called after a kingdom is created, either by players or admins.
Called after a kingdom changes its active diplomatic relationship with another kingdom.
Called after a kingdom is disbanded and removed.
The base kingdom event.
A manager for kingdoms and towns in Konquest.
A monument structure within a town.
Represents an offline player in Konquest.
A manager for the Konquest placeholder expansion.
Represents an online player in Konquest.
Called before a barbarian player places a bed in the wild to create their camp.
Called before a player is attacked by another player.
Called before a player conquers a kingdom by capturing its capital.
Called before a player creates a new kingdom using the "/k kingdom create" command.
The base player event.
Called before the given player has been exiled from their current kingdom and made into a barbarian.
Called before the given player has been assigned to the given kingdom.
A manager for players in Konquest.
Called after a player changes their accomplishment prefix.
Called before a player settles a new town using the "/k settle" command.
A plot of land within a town, with player members (users) and land (points).
A manager for town plots in Konquest.
The types of player relationships in Konquest.
A ruin territory with critical blocks and optional ruin golem spawn points.
Called before a player breaks a critical block within a ruin.
Called before a player captures a ruin.
Called after a player successfully captures a ruin.
The base ruin event.
A manager for ruins in Konquest.
A sanctuary territory with monument templates.
A manager for town shields and armor in Konquest.
The base interface for any territory.
Represents a generic change of a territory's land chunk.
A manager for land and general territories in Konquest.
Called before a player enters or leaves a territory.
The types of territory in Konquest.
A town is a collection of land and has residents, plots and a monument.
Called when an enemy player breaks a block within a town.
Called before an enemy player captures a town for their own kingdom.
Called after an enemy player captures a town for their own kingdom.
Called before a barbarian player destroys a town by breaking its final critical block.
Called after a barbarian player destroys a town by breaking its final critical block,
or after a town has been destroyed by its own kingdom members.
The base town event.
Called after a town has been attacked, caused by a town raid alert.
Called when a new town is settled by a player.
An upgrade for a town.
A manager for town upgrades in Konquest.