All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- addCriticalLocation(Set<Location>) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Adds a set of critical blocks to this ruin.
- addCriticalLocation(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Adds a new critical block to this ruin.
- addRuin(Location, String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Adds a new ruin at the given location with the given name.
- addSpawnLocation(Set<Location>) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Adds a set of spawn points to this ruin.
- addSpawnLocation(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Adds a new Ruin Golem spawn point to this ruin.
- ALLIANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Allied kingdoms can travel to each other's towns and may share a defense pact.
- ALLY - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Player/territory are in allied kingdoms
- applyTownUpgrade(KonquestTown, KonquestUpgrade, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestUpgradeManager
Apply the given upgrade and level to the given town.
- armorAdd(KonquestTown, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Adds to a town's armor in blocks, positive or negative.
- armorSet(KonquestTown, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Sets a town's armor amount in blocks.
- assignPlayerKingdom(UUID, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Primary method for adding a player member to a kingdom.
- BARBARIAN - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Player/territory is barbarian
- CAMP - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
Barbarian camp
- CAPITAL - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
Kingdom capital
- captureTownForPlayer(String, String, KonquestPlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Transfers ownership of a town to the given player's kingdom.
- claimChunk(Location, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestTerritoryManager
Claims the chunk at the given location for the nearest adjacent territory.
- clearCriticalLocations() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Remove all critical blocks of this ruin.
- clearSpawnLocations() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Remove all spawn points of this ruin.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api
The base API package for Konquest.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event
The event package includes events that can be handled just like Bukkit events.
- - package
Events related to barbarian camps.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
Events related to kingdoms.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Events related to players.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin
Events related to ruins.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory
Events related to all territories.
- - package
Events related to towns.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
The manager package provides specialized interfaces for specific features in Konquest.
- com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model - package com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
The model package offers lower-level object interfaces that are managed by the managers.
- containsCamp(KonquestCamp) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCampGroup
Checks whether this camp group contains the given camp instance.
- createTown(Location, String, String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Create a new town centered at the given location, with the given name, for the given kingdom name.
- ENEMY - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Player/territory are in kingdoms at war
- exilePlayerBarbarian(UUID, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Exiles a player to be a Barbarian.
- FRIENDLY - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Player/territory are in the same kingdom
- getActiveRelation(KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Get the active diplomatic relationship of this kingdom to the given kingdom.
- getAllBukkitPlayersInKingdom(KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all the Bukkit players that are members of the given kingdom object.
- getAllBukkitPlayersInKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all the Bukkit players that are members of the given kingdom name.
- getAlliedPrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the allied primary color, from core.yml.
- getAlliedSecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the allied secondary color, from core.yml.
- getAllKonquestOfflinePlayers() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all of Konquest's OfflinePlayers from the Konquest player database.
- getAllOfflinePlayers() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all of Bukkit's OfflinePlayers from the Konquest player database.
- getAllPlayersInKingdom(KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all the players that are members of the given kingdom object.
- getAllPlayersInKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all the players that are members of the given kingdom name.
- getAttacker() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Gets the attacking player.
- getAttacker() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Gets the attacking player.
- getAttacker() - Method in class
Gets the attacking player.
- getAttacker() - Method in class
Gets the attacking player that caused the raid alert.
- getAvailableUpgrades(KonquestTown) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestUpgradeManager
Provides a list of upgrades available for purchase for the given town.
- getBarbarian(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the player's current barbarian status.
- getBarbarianPrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the barbarian primary color, from core.yml.
- getBarbarians() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the barbarians' kingdom.
- getBarbarianSecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the barbarian secondary color, from core.yml.
- getBaseY() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestMonument
Gets the bottom Y coordinate of this monument in the world.
- getBedLocation() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCamp
Gets the location of the bed in this camp.
- getBlock() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Gets the block broken by the attacker.
- getBlock() - Method in class
Gets the block broken by the attacker.
- getBukkitPlayer() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlayer
Get the Player instance represented by this object.
- getBukkitPlayersInKingdom(KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets the Bukkit players currently online that are members of the given kingdom object.
- getBukkitPlayersInKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets the Bukkit players currently online that are members of the given kingdom name.
- getBukkitPlayersOnline() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all Bukkit players that are currently online.
- getCamp() - Method in class
Gets the town associated with the event.
- getCamp(KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Gets the camp that belongs to a barbarian player.
- getCampGroup(KonquestCamp) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Gets the camp group of the given camp.
- getCampManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the camp manager, for all things camp related.
- getCamps() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Gets all camps.
- getCamps() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCampGroup
Gets all camps in this camp group.
- getCapital() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent
Gets the capital after the swap.
- getCapital() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Gets the capital territory instance for this kingdom.
- getCenterLoc() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the center location of this territory.
- getChat(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the status of the player's chat mode.
- getChunkPoints() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the set of all land chunks claimed by this territory, as points.
- getChunkTerritory(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestTerritoryManager
Gets the territory at the given location.
- getClaimed(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the status of the chunk where the player is.
- getCombat(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the status of the player's combat tag.
- getCombatTag(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the combat tag string from the Konquest configuration.
- getConqueror() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomConquerEvent
Gets the kingdom that conquered the removed kingdom
- getCriticalHits() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestMonument
Gets the number of critical hits that this monument has.
- getCriticalLocations() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Gets a set of all critical block locations in this ruin.
- getDefault() - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Gets the default diplomatic state
- getDescription() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestUpgrade
Gets the description of this upgrade.
- getDiplomacy() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Gets the diplomatic relationship type between the two kingdoms.
- getDiplomacy(KonquestKingdom, KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Get the shared diplomatic type of two kingdoms.
- getDisplayPrimaryColor(KonquestKingdom, KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the primary display color based on relationships.
- getDisplayPrimaryColor(KonquestOfflinePlayer, KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the primary display color based on relationships.
- getDisplayPrimaryColor(KonquestOfflinePlayer, KonquestTerritory) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the primary display color based on relationships.
- getDisplaySecondaryColor(KonquestKingdom, KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the secondary display color based on relationships.
- getDisplaySecondaryColor(KonquestOfflinePlayer, KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the secondary display color based on relationships.
- getDisplaySecondaryColor(KonquestOfflinePlayer, KonquestTerritory) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the secondary display color based on relationships.
- getDistanceToClosestTerritory(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestTerritoryManager
Finds the distance in chunks (16 blocks) from the given location to the nearest territory.
- getEnemyPrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the enemy primary color, from core.yml.
- getEnemySecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the enemy secondary color, from core.yml.
- getExile(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the player's current exile kingdom name.
- getExileKingdom() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestOfflinePlayer
Get the player's exile kingdom.
- getFriendlyPrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the friendly primary color, from core.yml.
- getFriendlySecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the friendly secondary color, from core.yml.
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomConquerEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCreateEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDisbandEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCampEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerConquerEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomConquerEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCreateEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDisbandEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.KonquestEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCampEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerConquerEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the handler list
- getHeight() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestMonument
Gets the height in blocks of this monument.
- getIcon() - Method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Gets the display icon material used in GUI menus
- getIcon() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestUpgrade
Gets the material used for menu icons.
- getKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomEvent
Gets the kingdom associated with the event.
- getKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerConquerEvent
Gets the kingdom that will be removed once the capital is captured.
- getKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
A convenience method to get the kingdom of the player settling the new town.
- getKingdom() - Method in class
Gets the kingdom of the new town.
- getKingdom() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestOfflinePlayer
Get the player's current kingdom.
- getKingdom() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the territory's kingdom.
- getKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets a kingdom by name.
- getKingdom(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the player's current kingdom name.
- getKingdomFavor(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the total amount of favor owned by players in the given kingdom name.
- getKingdomLand(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the total number of land chunks in the given kingdom name.
- getKingdomManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the kingdom manager, for all things kingdom/town related.
- getKingdomName() - Method in class
Gets the name of the destroyed town's kingdom.
- getKingdomNames() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets a list of all kingdom names.
- getKingdomOnline(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the current number of online players in the given kingdom name.
- getKingdomPlayers(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the total number of players in the given kingdom name.
- getKingdoms() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets a list of all kingdoms.
- getKingdomScore(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the kingdom score of the given kingdom name.
- getKingdomTowns(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the total number of towns in the given kingdom name.
- getKonquest() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.KonquestEvent
Get the KonquestAPI instance that sent this event
- getLand(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the name of the territory that the player is currently in.
- getLevelDescription(int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestUpgrade
Gets the level description, starting at 1.
- getLocation() - Method in class
Gets the location of camp's bed.
- getLocation() - Method in class
Gets the location of camp's bed.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCreateEvent
Gets the location where the new kingdom capital was created.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCampEvent
Gets the location of the new camp.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Gets the location that the player was combat tagged at.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Gets the location where the new kingdom capital will be created.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Gets the location where the new town will be created.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Gets the location in the chunk of land being modified.
- getLord() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the UUID of the town lord.
- getLordships(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the number of towns in which the player is a lord.
- getMaxCriticalHits() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the maximum number of critical hits for each town monument.
- getMaxLevel() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestUpgrade
Gets the maximum levels for this upgrade.
- getMonument() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the monument instance of this town.
- getName() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomConquerEvent
Gets the name of the removed kingdom
- getName() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDisbandEvent
Gets the name of the removed kingdom
- getName() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Gets the name of the new kingdom.
- getName() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Gets the name of the new town.
- getName() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Get the name of this kingdom.
- getName() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the name of this territory.
- getNeutralPrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the neutral primary color, from core.yml.
- getNeutrals() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the neutrals' kingdom.
- getNeutralSecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the neutral secondary color, from core.yml.
- getNewKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Gets the kingdom that the player is changing to
- getNewKingdom() - Method in class
Gets the new kingdom that will control the town when it is captured.
- getOfflineBukkitPlayer() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestOfflinePlayer
Get the OfflinePlayer instance represented by this object.
- getOfflinePlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets a Konquest offline player object from the given Bukkit OfflinePlayer.
- getOfflinePlayerFromID(UUID) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets a Konquest offline player object from the given UUID.
- getOfflinePlayerFromName(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets a Konquest offline player object from the given name.
- getOldKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Gets the kingdom that the player is leaving
- getOldKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Gets the kingdom that the player is leaving
- getOldKingdom() - Method in class
Gets the old kingdom that controlled the town.
- getOwner() - Method in class
Gets the owner of the destroyed camp.
- getOwner() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCamp
Gets the player who owns this camp.
- getPeacefulPrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the peaceful primary color, from core.yml.
- getPeacefulSecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the peaceful secondary color, from core.yml.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that created the camp.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that is destroying the camp's bed.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that destroyed the camp's bed.
- getPlayer() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCreateEvent
Gets the player that created the new kingdom.
- getPlayer() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerEvent
Gets the player associated with the event.
- getPlayer() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Gets the player that is being exiled.
- getPlayer() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Gets the player that will capture this ruin.
- getPlayer() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent
Gets the player that captured this ruin.
- getPlayer() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Get the player that moved between territories.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that will capture the town, and will become the town lord.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that captured the town, and is the new town lord.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that is destroying the town.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that destroyed the town.
- getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player that settled the town.
- getPlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets a Konquest player object from the given Bukkit Player.
- getPlayerFromID(UUID) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets a Konquest player object from the given UUID.
- getPlayerFromName(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets a Konquest player object from the given name.
- getPlayerKnights() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the list of all town knights, including the town lord.
- getPlayerKnightTowns(KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the towns which the given player is a knight of.
- getPlayerLord() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the town lord player.
- getPlayerLordshipTowns(KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the towns which the given player is the lord of.
- getPlayerManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the player manager, for all things player related.
- getPlayerName() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerEvent
Convenience method to get the player's name.
- getPlayerNamesInKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets the names of players currently online that are members of the given kingdom name.
- getPlayerResidenceTowns(KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the towns which the given player is a resident of.
- getPlayerResidents() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the list of all town residents, including town knights and the town lord.
- getPlayersInKingdom(KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets the players currently online that are members of the given kingdom object.
- getPlayersInKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets the players currently online that are members of the given kingdom name.
- getPlayersOnline() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Gets all of Konquest's players that are currently online.
- getPlot(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the town plot at the given location.
- getPlotManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the plot manager, for all things town plot related.
- getPlots() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets all town plots in this town.
- getPoints() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Gets the set of points representing land chunks which were modified.
- getPoints() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlot
Gets the list of all land (points) for this plot.
- getPrefix() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent
Gets the current prefix of the player, as shown in chat.
- getPrefix(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the current prefix of the player.
- getRandomWildLocation(World) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets a random location in the wild, constrained by radius and offset in Konquest's configuration.
- getRelation(Player, Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the relationship type between the two players.
- getRelationPrimaryColor(Player, Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the primary relationship color between the two players.
- getRelationRole(KonquestKingdom, KonquestKingdom) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Get the relationship type of two kingdoms.
- getRelationSecondaryColor(Player, Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the secondary relationship color between the two players.
- getRemainingCriticalHits() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Gets the remaining number of unbroken critical blocks.
- getResidencies(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the number of towns in which the player is a resident, knight or lord.
- getRewardPlayers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Gets the list of players that will get a reward for capturing the ruin.
- getRewardPlayers() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent
Gets the list of players that get a reward for capturing the ruin.
- getRuin() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinEvent
Gets the ruin associated with the event.
- getRuin(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Gets a ruin by the given name.
- getRuinCriticalBlock() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Gets the ruin critical block material.
- getRuinManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the ruin manager, for all things ruin related.
- getRuinNames() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
A convenience method for getting all ruin names.
- getRuins() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Gets all ruins.
- getSafeRandomCenteredLocation(Location, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets a random safe location in a surrounding chunk to the given center location.
- getScore(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the current score of the player.
- getScoreboard() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the primary Konquest scoreboard with teams.
- getShieldManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the shield manager, for all things town shield and armor related.
- getSpawnLoc() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the spawn location of this territory.
- getSpawnLocations() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Gets a set of all ruin golem spawn locations in this ruin.
- getSpecialization() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Gets the town villager profession specialization.
- getTargetKingdom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Gets the other kingdom that is the target of the diplomatic relationship.
- getTerritory() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Gets the territory that is being modified.
- getTerritory(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the type of territory that the player is currently in.
- getTerritoryFrom() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Get the territory that the player is moving out of.
- getTerritoryManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the territory manager, for all things land/territory related.
- getTerritoryTo() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Get the territory that the player is moving into.
- getTerritoryType() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the territory type of this territory.
- getTopLand(int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the kingdom name and total land, separated by a space, in the given rank of the leaderboard.
- getTopScore(int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the kingdom name and score value, separated by a space, in the given rank of the leaderboard.
- getTopTown(int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets the kingdom name and number of towns, separated by a space, in the given rank of the leaderboard.
- getTown() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent
Gets the town after the swap.
- getTown() - Method in class
Gets the town associated with the event.
- getTown(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Gets the town instance by the given name.
- getTownArmorBlocks(KonquestTown) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Gets the amount of armor blocks the town currently has.
- getTownCriticalBlock() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Gets the monument critical block material.
- getTownName() - Method in class
Gets the name of the destroyed town.
- getTownNames() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Gets the list of all town names in this kingdom.
- getTowns() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Get a list of all towns in this kingdom.
- getTownsAll(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets a comma-separated list of all towns in which the player is resident, knight or lord.
- getTownShieldTime(KonquestTown) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Gets the time in seconds at which the town's shields will expire.
- getTownsKnight(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets a comma-separated list of the towns in which the player is a knight.
- getTownsLord(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets a comma-separated list of the towns in which the player is a lord.
- getTownsResident(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlaceholderManager
Gets a comma-separated list of the towns in which the player is a resident.
- getTownUpgradeLevel(KonquestTown, KonquestUpgrade) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestUpgradeManager
Gets the current upgrade level of the given town.
- getTradePrimaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the trade primary color, from core.yml.
- getTradeSecondaryColor() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the trade secondary color, from core.yml.
- getTravelPoint() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestMonument
Gets the travel location within the monument.
- getUpgradeCost(KonquestUpgrade, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestUpgradeManager
Gets the cost in favor of the given upgrade and level.
- getUpgradeManager() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Gets the upgrade manager, for all things town upgrade related.
- getUpgradePopulation(KonquestUpgrade, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestUpgradeManager
Gets the population requirement of the given upgrade and level.
- getUserOfflinePlayers() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlot
Gets the list of all members (users) for this plot.
- getWorld() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Gets the world of the chunk(s) of land being modified.
- getWorld() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Gets the world of this territory.
- hasPlot(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town has a plot at the given location.
- hasPoint(Point) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlot
Checks whether the given point is a part of this plot.
- hasTown(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Checks whether this kingdom has a town with the given name.
- hasUpgrade(KonquestUpgrade) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether this town has the given upgrade.
- hasUser(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlot
Checks whether the given player is a member (user) of this plot.
- isAdmin() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCreateEvent
Gets whether the new kingdom is an admin kingdom.
- isAdminBypassActive() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlayer
Get whether the player is in Admin Bypass mode.
- isAdminOperated() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Get whether the kingdom is operated by admins.
- isAlliance() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Convenience method for whether the diplomatic type is alliance.
- isArmored() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town has active armor.
- isArmorsEnabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Checks whether armors are enabled from the Konquest configuration.
- isAttacked() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether this town is under attack.
- isBarbarian() - Method in class
Convenience method for checking whether the town was destroyed by a barbarian player.
- isBarbarian() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestOfflinePlayer
Get whether the player is a barbarian.
- isCampGrouped(KonquestCamp) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Checks whether the given camp is part of a camp group (clan).
- isCampGroupsEnabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Checks whether camp groups (clans) are enabled in the Konquest configuration.
- isCampSet(KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Checks if the given player has a camp set up, and is a barbarian.
- isCancelled() - Method in class
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCampEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerConquerEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCancelled() - Method in class
Checks whether this event is canceled.
- isCapital() - Method in class
Checks whether the town is a capital of its kingdom.
- isCapital() - Method in class
Checks whether the town was a capital of the old kingdom.
- isCapital() - Method in class
Checks whether the town is a capital of its kingdom.
- isCapital() - Method in class
Checks whether the town was a capital of its kingdom.
- isCaptureDisabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Checks whether this ruin is able to be captured.
- isCaptureDisabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether capturing this town is disabled.
- isChunkClaimed(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestTerritoryManager
Checks whether the chunk at the given location is claimed by a territory.
- isClaimed() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Checks whether the territory is claiming the chunk or not.
- isCombatTagged() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlayer
Get whether the player is combat tagged.
- isCreated() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Get whether the kingdom is created by players.
- isCritical() - Method in class
Checks whether the block is a critical block in the monument.
- isDisabled() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent
Checks whether the player disabled their prefix.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRuin
Checks if there are any online players inside of this ruin.
- isEnabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlotManager
Checks whether town plots are enabled from the Konquest configuration.
- isEnabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestUpgradeManager
Check whether town upgrades are enabled from the Konquest configuration.
- isEnemyRedstoneAllowed() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town option for allowing enemies to use redstone is enabled.
- isFlyEnabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlayer
Get whether the player is using the fly command within friendly territory.
- isGlobalChat() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestPlayer
Get whether the player is using global chat or kingdom chat.
- isKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Checks whether the given name is a kingdom.
- isLocAdjacent(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Checks whether the given location is outside of this territory but adjacent.
- isLocInside(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestMonument
Checks whether the given location is inside of this monument.
- isLocInside(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritory
Checks whether the given location is inside of this territory.
- isLocInsideCenterChunk(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the given location is inside of this town's center chunk (the town monument).
- isLocInsideRuin(KonquestRuin, Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Checks whether the given location is inside of the given ruin.
- isLord(UUID) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the given UUID is the town lord.
- isLordValid() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town lord is valid.
- isMonument() - Method in class
Checks whether the block was broken anywhere inside the monument.
- isOfflinePlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Checks whether a player exists and is represented in Konquest.
- isOfflineProtected() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Checks whether this kingdom is currently protected from attacks.
- isOnlinePlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Checks whether a player is currently online and represented in Konquest.
- isOpen() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town is open.
- isOwnerOnline() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCamp
Checks whether the owner is currently online.
- isPeace() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Convenience method for whether the diplomatic type is peace.
- isPeaceful() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Get whether the kingdom is peaceful.
- isPlayerKnight(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the given player is a town knight.
- isPlayerLord(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the given player is the town lord.
- isPlayerMember(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCampGroup
Checks whether the given player has a camp that is a part of this camp group.
- isPlayerNameExist(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlayerManager
Checks whether a player name exists and is represented in Konquest.
- isPlayerOwner(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCamp
Checks whether the given player is the owner of this camp.
- isPlayerPlotProtectBuild(KonquestTown, Location, Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlotManager
Checks if the plot at the given location for the given town is protected from edits from the given player.
- isPlayerPlotProtectContainer(KonquestTown, Location, Player) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestPlotManager
Checks if the plot at the given location for the given town is protected from container access from the given player.
- isPlayerResident(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the given player is a town resident.
- isPlotOnly() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town option for allowing residents to only build on plots is enabled.
- isProtected() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestCamp
Checks whether this camp is currently protected from attacks.
- isRuin(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Checks whether the given name is a ruin.
- isShielded() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town has active shields.
- isShieldsEnabled() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Checks whether shields are enabled from the Konquest configuration.
- isSmallest() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestKingdom
Checks whether this kingdom is currently the smallest, in terms of players.
- isTown(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Checks whether the given name is a town.
- isTownWatchProtected() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether the town is protected by the Town Watch upgrade.
- isTrade() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Convenience method for whether the diplomatic type is trade.
- isUpgradeDisabled(KonquestUpgrade) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTown
Checks whether this town has the given upgrade, but it's disabled.
- isValid() - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestMonument
Checks whether this monument is valid.
- isWar() - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Convenience method for whether the diplomatic type is war.
- isWorldIgnored(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Checks if a location is in an ignored world.
- isWorldIgnored(World) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Checks if a world is ignored.
- isWorldValid(Location) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Checks if a location is in a valid world.
- isWorldValid(World) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Checks if a world is valid.
- KonquestAPI - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api
The Konquest API.
- KonquestCamp - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A camp with a bed for a single barbarian player.
- KonquestCampCreateEvent - Class in
Called after a new camp is created by a barbarian player.
- KonquestCampCreateEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestCamp, KonquestPlayer) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestCampDestroyEvent - Class in
Called before a player breaks a camp's bed to destroy it.
- KonquestCampDestroyEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestCamp, KonquestPlayer, Location) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestCampDestroyPostEvent - Class in
Called after a player breaks a camp's bed to destroy it.
- KonquestCampDestroyPostEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestOfflinePlayer, KonquestPlayer, Location) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestCampEvent - Class in
The base camp event.
- KonquestCampEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestCamp) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestCampGroup - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A collection of adjacent camps.
- KonquestCampManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for barbarian camps in Konquest.
- KonquestCapital - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A capital is a special town which is the primary territory of a kingdom.
- KonquestDiplomacyType - Enum Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
The types of kingdom diplomatic relationships in Konquest.
- KonquestEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event
A base event from Konquest, with a reference to the API instance.
- KonquestEvent(KonquestAPI) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.KonquestEvent
Construct an event with a reference to the Konquest API
- KonquestKingdom - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
My kingdom for a horse! A kingdom is a capital, a collection of towns, and a monument template.
- KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
Called after a kingdom swaps its capital to another town.
- KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestKingdom, KonquestCapital, KonquestTown) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCapitalSwapEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestKingdomConquerEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
Called after a kingdom is conquered by another kingdom and removed.
- KonquestKingdomConquerEvent(KonquestAPI, String, KonquestKingdom) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomConquerEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestKingdomCreateEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
Called after a kingdom is created, either by players or admins.
- KonquestKingdomCreateEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestKingdom, KonquestPlayer, Location, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomCreateEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
Called after a kingdom changes its active diplomatic relationship with another kingdom.
- KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestKingdom, KonquestKingdom, KonquestDiplomacyType) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDiplomacyEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestKingdomDisbandEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
Called after a kingdom is disbanded and removed.
- KonquestKingdomDisbandEvent(KonquestAPI, String) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomDisbandEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestKingdomEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom
The base kingdom event.
- KonquestKingdomEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestKingdom) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.kingdom.KonquestKingdomEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestKingdomManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for kingdoms and towns in Konquest.
- KonquestMonument - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A monument structure within a town.
- KonquestOfflinePlayer - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
Represents an offline player in Konquest.
- KonquestPlaceholderManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for the Konquest placeholder expansion.
- KonquestPlayer - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
Represents an online player in Konquest.
- KonquestPlayerCampEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before a barbarian player places a bed in the wild to create their camp.
- KonquestPlayerCampEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, Location) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCampEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before a player is attacked by another player.
- KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, KonquestPlayer, Location) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerConquerEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before a player conquers a kingdom by capturing its capital.
- KonquestPlayerConquerEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, KonquestKingdom) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerConquerEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before a player creates a new kingdom using the "/k kingdom create" command.
- KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, Location, String) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
The base player event.
- KonquestPlayerEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerExileEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before the given player has been exiled from their current kingdom and made into a barbarian.
- KonquestPlayerExileEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestOfflinePlayer, KonquestKingdom) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before the given player has been assigned to the given kingdom.
- KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, KonquestKingdom, KonquestKingdom) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for players in Konquest.
- KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called after a player changes their accomplishment prefix.
- KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerPrefixEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlayerSettleEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player
Called before a player settles a new town using the "/k settle" command.
- KonquestPlayerSettleEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestPlayer, KonquestKingdom, Location, String) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestPlot - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A plot of land within a town, with player members (users) and land (points).
- KonquestPlotManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for town plots in Konquest.
- KonquestRelationshipType - Enum Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
The types of player relationships in Konquest.
- KonquestRuin - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A ruin territory with critical blocks and optional ruin golem spawn points.
- KonquestRuinAttackEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin
Called before a player breaks a critical block within a ruin.
- KonquestRuinAttackEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestRuin, KonquestPlayer, Block) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestRuinCaptureEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin
Called before a player captures a ruin.
- KonquestRuinCaptureEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestRuin, KonquestPlayer, List<? extends KonquestPlayer>) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin
Called after a player successfully captures a ruin.
- KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestRuin, KonquestPlayer, List<? extends KonquestPlayer>) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCapturePostEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestRuinEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin
The base ruin event.
- KonquestRuinEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestRuin) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestRuinManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for ruins in Konquest.
- KonquestSanctuary - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A sanctuary territory with monument templates.
- KonquestShieldManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for town shields and armor in Konquest.
- KonquestTerritory - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
The base interface for any territory.
- KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory
Represents a generic change of a territory's land chunk.
- KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTerritory, Location, Set<Point>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestTerritoryManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for land and general territories in Konquest.
- KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent - Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory
Called before a player enters or leaves a territory.
- KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTerritory, KonquestTerritory, KonquestPlayer) - Constructor for class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Default constructor
- KonquestTerritoryType - Enum Class in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
The types of territory in Konquest.
- KonquestTown - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
A town is a collection of land and has residents, plots and a monument.
- KonquestTownAttackEvent - Class in
Called when an enemy player breaks a block within a town.
- KonquestTownAttackEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown, KonquestPlayer, Block, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownCaptureEvent - Class in
Called before an enemy player captures a town for their own kingdom.
- KonquestTownCaptureEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown, KonquestPlayer, KonquestKingdom, boolean) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownCapturePostEvent - Class in
Called after an enemy player captures a town for their own kingdom.
- KonquestTownCapturePostEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown, KonquestPlayer, KonquestKingdom, boolean) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownDestroyEvent - Class in
Called before a barbarian player destroys a town by breaking its final critical block.
- KonquestTownDestroyEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown, KonquestPlayer, boolean) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownDestroyPostEvent - Class in
Called after a barbarian player destroys a town by breaking its final critical block, or after a town has been destroyed by its own kingdom members.
- KonquestTownDestroyPostEvent(KonquestAPI, String, String, KonquestPlayer, boolean) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownEvent - Class in
The base town event.
- KonquestTownEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownRaidEvent - Class in
Called after a town has been attacked, caused by a town raid alert.
- KonquestTownRaidEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown, KonquestPlayer) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestTownSettleEvent - Class in
Called when a new town is settled by a player.
- KonquestTownSettleEvent(KonquestAPI, KonquestTown, KonquestPlayer, KonquestKingdom) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
- KonquestUpgrade - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model
An upgrade for a town.
- KonquestUpgradeManager - Interface in com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager
A manager for town upgrades in Konquest.
- NEUTRAL - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Territory has no kingdom (ruin, sanctuary, etc)
- PEACE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Peaceful kingdoms cannot fight in towns and may allow pvp.
- PEACEFUL - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Player/territory are in kingdoms at peace
- Public API of the Konquest plugin for Spigot Minecraft - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- removeCamp(KonquestOfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestCampManager
Remove a camp territory and break the bed inside.
- removeKingdom(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Remove a kingdom with the given name.
- removeRuin(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestRuinManager
Removes a ruin by the given name.
- removeTown(String, String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Remove a town.
- renameTown(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestKingdomManager
Rename a town.
- RUIN - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
- SANCTUARY - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
Sanctuary land
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCampEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCombatTagEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerConquerEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerCreateKingdomEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerExileEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerKingdomEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.player.KonquestPlayerSettleEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinAttackEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.ruin.KonquestRuinCaptureEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryChunkEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.event.territory.KonquestTerritoryMoveEvent
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether the event is canceled.
- shieldAdd(KonquestTown, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Adds to a town's shields in seconds, positive or negative.
- shieldSet(KonquestTown, int) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestShieldManager
Sets a town's shields to expire a number of seconds from now.
- toPoint(Location) - Static method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Utility method to convert a location to a point representation of the chunk that contains the location.
- TOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
- TRADE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Trading kingdoms allow villager trades and cannot pvp.
- TRADE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Player/territory are in trading kingdoms
- unclaimChunk(Location, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.manager.KonquestTerritoryManager
Unclaims the chunk at the given location from its associated territory.
- validateNameConstraints(String) - Method in interface com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.KonquestAPI
Checks for name conflicts and constraints against all Konquest names.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestRelationshipType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- WAR - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestDiplomacyType
Kingdoms at war can attack each other and capture towns.
- WILD - Enum constant in enum class com.github.rumsfield.konquest.api.model.KonquestTerritoryType
The wild, which is no territory
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